Grade Configuration Survey

As you are aware, the Indiana Area School District (IASD) is currently conducting discussions surrounding the current academic grade configuration of the elementary schools. IASD is committed to providing opportunities for all those in the district to have a voice in the process.  The School Board has retained an outside firm to assist in the process, Strategy Solutions, Inc. (SSI).  We are confident this process will elicit broad community input that will be used to inform the board in continuing to support the district.

Please understand that the survey data collected is only one of the many different pieces of information the Board will consider in their decision-making process.  Community members are encouraged to complete the survey.  For those who do not have access to the internet, paper copies will be available at the district office, each individual school building, the Chamber of Commerce, Renda Broadcasting, YMCA, and White Township Office.   Finally, you can contact my office at (724)463-8713 to request a paper copy of the survey mailed to your home address.


Please click here to access the survey.